Interview: Buckets and Spades

First interview post of the New Year and I was very lucky to get some time with Matthew Pike who runs the very popular men’s fashion blog Buckets & Spades.

1. Hi Matthew – please tell us what my readers could expect on your blog “Buckets and Spades”?

I’m classed as a “Menswear Blogger”, but we feature a mix of fashion, design and lifestyle subjects – not really aimed at men but being written from a male’s perspective it comes out that way. Something for everyone, nothing too text heavy. Stuff which makes you smile I hope.

2. How did you come up with the name?

It came from me growing up by the seaside, seemed like a nature name to choose at the time. Now a lot of people either call me “Buckets” or just assume it’s my last name, hence @mat_buckets.

3. What made you decide to start blogging about fashion in the first place?

Well I studied fashion design at foundation level and have always had a keen interest in clothing and personal style, so it seemed like a nature thing to do when I started university. I wanted to improve my writing skills as that was always a weakness of mine. I started off just writing about fashion but it quickly became about anything that caught my eye.

4. How do you promote your blog content to generate more readers?

Twitter is the most useful tool for promoting my blog. It’s a great way to meet and reach likeminded people, but also start meaningful relationships with – I’m all about that.

5. What do you like most about blogging in fashion?

Expression, same as how I felt about clothing when I was 15. Doesn’t need to be crazy or outlandish, just what works for you. And if that’s how you like to express it then blogging with be invaluable.

6. What do you prefer to write about on your blog, what’s most enjoyable?

Probably the design-related stuff. It’s fun, easy on the eye and catching people’s attention in a section. Some things fashion doesn’t do that for me personally. Things which make you smile right?

7. Do you read many other men’s fashion blogs? If so, which ones?

Tones, the list will be way too long but currently I enjoy, Uniform Journal, A Continuous Lean, Grey Fox, Well Dressed Dad, Stitched & Stitched, and how about a plug for Nik’s new blog Heavy Denim.

8. Why do you think there are so few well known men’s fashion blogs in comparison to women’s?

Insecurity to share about their lives online? Maybe it’s seen a quite a vain thing, but saying that so is the gym or wearing t-shirt for a night out in December. It’s a good question, it’s a much smaller market but I’m glad to see and support the male blogging community.

9. Where do you get your inspiration from when writing blog posts?

It could be a comic, something I came across when walking through the park or online. Mostly online, as I’m hooked up 24/7 it would seem. Other bloggers inspire me too, I always make sure I give them a shout out.

10. What’s on the cards over the next 12 months for Buckets and Spades?

Who knows! I’ve got some meaty projects lined up; photo shoots, in store collaborations, magazine contributions….hoping to travel more too. Me and Nik are planning and Buckets & Spades road trip across Europe, starting in Blackpool (my hometown) and ending up as far away as possible. I’m always pushing to get some work in American. That would be a dream.

11. Your top 3 favorite brands?

Universal Works
Paul Smith
Harry Stedman

12. If you could buy 1 item of clothing right now and money wasn’t an issue what would it be (please include a link)?

I don’t tend to long for things I really can’t afford so my tastes tend to fall into my current budget, but I’d really love a new pair of Red Wing Boots or a traditional fitting deck jacket, like this one from Harry Stedman. Sorry, that’s two items!


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