Marcelo Burlon Snake T-Shirt

A month ago I added the iconic black t-shirt with white and grey snakes to my growing collection. Now I had previously made the mistake of ordering otherT-shirts by Marcelo Burlon in a medium (I am a medium in most brands – 5ft11) – these are largely oversized, which is fine if that’s the look you’re going for – I wasn’t. I’d say their small sizes are a generous medium so take that into account if you’re thinking of buying in the future.

The quality of the T-Shirt was very high as you’d expect when spending £150 and the detail on the snake is excellent. My only negative point on the design is the collar, its very large which I don’t usually mind in the front but at the back it feels awkward – personal taste, If I wear a black long sleeved t-shirt underneath this does solve the problem though.

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